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Buddhism and Development: A Short Essay
  • Sonam Wangchuk

Buddhism and development are two concepts that can go together in the process of civilization. In fact, Buddhism accelerates the process of economic development, social progress and cultural advancement if taken in the right spirit as propagated by the Lord Buddha.

Buddhism in essence means the refinement and development of our mind, which is the prime cause of unrest, trouble, conflict and various other activities that cause human suffering. It is the principle of Buddhism to have the right conduct, right knowledge and right understanding, complimented by compassion and love for all animate or sentient beings.

Buddhism helps economic growth. Economic growth involves an increase in production of the goods and services and raising the standard of living of the people. It also means, in a broader sense, the provision of welfare facilities and amenities for public good. Thus economic development in a nut shell means economic growth with social justice. With this concept of development in view, it is a known fact as to what Buddhist philosophy contributes towards this goal. Doing good for others and seeing others prosper is the motto of Buddhism and it is natural that this principle supports the cause of development. It is a known fact that corruption sets its dirty feet in the process of development. Political corruption and material corruption are much more in other countries than in the case of those who follow Buddhist economics. Corruption is not acceptable in Buddhist philosophy and its practice is looked down as immoral. Therefore Buddhism boosts the idea of being honest and respects the responsibility of one’s action. It is a fact that corruption remains as one of the factors retarding economic development and erupting social unrest. Buddhism contributes its share in this.